Ily was born eight weeks early via emergency C-section and spent two months in the neonatal intensive care unit. She had an amazing team working together to provide her excellent care. During our NICU stay, I noticed her head shape seemed a little off and mentioned it to her developmental pediatrician and occupational therapist. They jumped on it and set a plan of rotating her bed and the direction she was lying in to help stop the misinformation. We continued this when we brought her home.
Despite following all advice to correct it by her four-month well visit, her plagiocephaly was noticeable; her ears were offset. In addition, she had her forehead bossing on one side and the flat area on the backside of her head. Our pediatrician gave us a referral for the UT Health Cranial Remolding Center, and we are so grateful!
I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we made the right decision to go through with her Starband treatment!
Illy’s Mom
To learn more about her story, follow this links:
A helmet didn’t stop Ily Guckian, Baby Miss America
Defying the Odds: How Baby Ily turned her helmet into a crown

Ily received care from the Cranial Remolding Program at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio) by Darren Poidevin, CLPO, a licensed orthotic/prosthetic practitioner.