How to Clean a Starband Cranial Remolding Orthosis


How to Clean a Starband Cranial Remolding Orthosis


How to Clean a Starband Cranial Remolding Orthosis

Clean the Starband orthosis once or twice per day with rubbing alcohol—once in the morning while dressing the baby and once in the evening at bath time.

How to clean a Starband Cranial Remolding Orthosis

  1. Remove the Starband
    Remove the Starband during diaper changes and bath time.
  2. Spray orthosis with ISO Alcohol
    Use 91% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle and apply generously to the Starband.

  3. Scrub orthosis
    Scrub the Starband with a white paper towel or soft toothbrush.

  4. Wipe again with damp towel
    Wipe the inside of the Starband and the baby’s head with a damp paper towel.
  5. Pat dry
    Pat the baby’s head and the inside of the Starband dry and return the orthosis to the baby’s head.

Keep the Starband clean

Keeping the Starband as clean as possible will help to prevent as well as heal existing skin irritation. Cranial remolding orthoses provide significant coverage over a baby’s head and therefore sweat and perspiration can be expected, especially during the first few weeks of wear.

Infants living in hot and/or humid climates will benefit from multiple cleanings each day. Keep in mind that the treatment is time-limited (e.g. 3–6 months) and it’s always better to clean and rinse too much rather than too little.

Tips to avoid skin irritation

No ointments or lotions

Do not apply any sort of lotion or ointment to the baby’s head. Nothing should be used unless specifically instructed by the orthotist or physician.

Unscented shampoo only

Use an unscented shampoo. Anything with an added scent can be an irritant when wearing a Cranial Remolding Orthosis.

How to clean a Starband video

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